NEXT EVENT DATE: Saturday 9th November 2024

24Days 14Hours 20Minutes 36Seconds

Teams of Fugitives: Explorers will be taken by bus to a secret location. Once released they have 8 hours to navigate their way back to the finish to claim SANCTUARY.

Each team has 10 lives, and an hour later the Catchers (Leaders) will be let loose, to try and catch the Fugitives before they can claim

The Day Overview

  • 09:30 – Teams can arrive for check-in and kit check
  • 12:00 – Fugitives released from secret location
  • 13:00 – Catchers briefing and release from sanctuary
  • 19:00 – Sanctuary Opens, all teams to return between 19:00 and 19:20
  • 19:20 – Teams start losing 1 life per minute
  • 19:30 – Sanctuary closes, any remaining teams automatically retired. Willing catching teams may be deployed to support retrieval if required.